Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Vegetarian (ad)Venture

Before I left England, I wrote about the differences between eating habits in the UK vs. US. I promised myself that when I got back, I would sustain the eating habits I acquired while living with my European roommates.

Some of my nasty habits are gone:  I stay far away from fried foods, fast food and kraft macaroni and cheese (sadly).  I've skipped the boxed mixes and started making a lot from scratch.

However, I've noticed that I'm slipping--and my wakeup was last night when I ate a bowl of cereal for dinner.  Time to make some adjustments.

My first week back in the US, I noticed a difference in the taste of food.

I was also getting sick to my stomach very often.  Anxiety about being back may have caused the stomach aches, but I have a feeling the differences in the quality of the food had something to do with it.

So, starting on Monday, April 11, with the help of my vegetarian roommate, I will start my month-long Vegetarian (ad)Venture. No meat, no exceptions. This is just as much of a test of self-control as it is health related.  Luckily, I'll have my roommate to keep me motivated and show me a variety of recipes.

Why am I doing this? Because I'm curious; I want to see if I can feel and see the difference in my body, appetite, etc.

This trial has more to do with what we treat our animals with and less about how we treat them (although I hate animal cruelty as much as anyone.)

Over the course of the next month, I'll post once a week about the topic.  I'll also try to include some recipes in my posts that I found especially appealing to vegetarians (or those of you looking for meat-less meals.)

Any ideas for my last supper?


  1. One word: STEAK.
    Enjoy your challenge! I hope it will make you discover new foods and new habits! Can't wait!

  2. Such a good idea! Good luck, I think you'll find it is rather easy to not eat meat!

  3. Thanks, Christine! I'm guessing I'll be dying for some meat at some point within the month...but who knows!

  4. Lauren, think twice if you want to feel better by eating vegetarian.

  5. isn't that the whole point of this trial?

  6. I do wish you well on your vegetarian adventure but I was taken aback by calling fried food, cheese, mac and cheese and fast food "nasty habits". Personally I don't think anything is a nasty habit unless you over do it consistently. I'm sticking with my meat, vegetables, wine/beer and occasional nasty habits! :)

  7. My FAVORITE food growing up was Kraft mac and cheese... I will definitely still be eating cheese (it's one of my favorite foods.) And don't you worry, I'll still be drinking wine :)

  8. I'm all about experimenting with new ways for a healthier lifestyle. I've been a vegetarian for 10 years and it's not hard to be a vegetarian, but it's also not hard to simply subsist on simple carb and cheese :) which isn't particularly good for you.

    Have fun experimenting! Tip: pressure cooker makes is awesome for soups and stews!

  9. I'd love some recipe suggestions if you have some. I've been warned about the carb/cheese overload and how it can actually be worse for you...hopefully I'll find a variety of healthy recipes to cook!

  10. hi, lauren...i'm here at mizzou with your mom and dad and callie...good luck in your vegetarian to carly and get some of her vegetarian recipes...she's been vegetarian since high school. alex was vegetarian for a while, but he doesn't eat veggies, so THAT was a problem. miss your, your fairy godmother

  11. Awesome! Props to you because I don't know if I could do it. I'll be interested to see how you are feeling and what recipes you come up with!

  12. [...] cold turkey.  There was no “last supper” nor a last hamburger to savor (which was the original plan).  I decided enough, was [...]

  13. [...] a very late update on my Vegetarian (ad)Venture: I’ve been meat-less for almost seven weeks, and I’m still going strong.  My trial was [...]


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