Wednesday, July 20, 2011

13.1 miles here I come...

One of my New Year's resolutions was to run a half marathon by the end of 2011.  As I looked at the calendar today, I realize that I only had a few more months to actually make it happen!  I knew I needed at least 3-months to train, so it was now or never.

Alas, I signed up for the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Half Marathon on October 2nd.  The race begins in Alexandria, VA and ends in National Harbor, MD.

I've never run more than 6 miles in my life so this will be a challenge.  I ran a 5K in Hyde Park while I was studying in England and I did a year of cross-country in high school.  Other than that, my experience in long-distance running is slim to none.

My training regimen will be a mixture of shorter runs, kickboxing, strength training, yoga, and 6-11 mile runs on Saturdays.

Training officially starts tomorrow so any tips would be greatly appreciated. Wish me luck!


  1. You'll do wonderfully and what an accomplishment.....proud of you.

  2. You forgot to mention that you came in 3rd place in the Hyde Park 5k so I know you are going to ROCK that half marathon!!!

  3. That's awesome your training for a half marathon! I also just started getting into running and have found this website to be super helpful. It's not the best designed website, but everyone I talk to who runs considers this guy to be the old-school kind of running. He also has books, but the website has been sufficient for me. Good luck!

  4. Aww, thanks Ashley!  Too bad I won't have you there to run next to me this time around!

  5. Thank you!  I checked out the website this morning and will definitely refer back to his 1/2 marathon training guide!

  6. WOOHOO, Lauren!! Make sure to give yourself rest-days-- so integral in fostering recovery and strengthening of the muscles. I also think your varied training routine is SO smart-- mixing up your workouts will target, challenge, and develop different muscle groups, as well as encourage endurance and strength. Sounds like you are so set :-)

  7. Thanks Clarita!  I will definitely be contacting you for some advice!  Wish you could be here to run it with me :(  Miss you! xoxo

  8. [...] today–successfully completing a 9-mile run yesterday morning.  If you remember from my first post, the longest I had ever run was 6 [...]


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