Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My first half marathon--I did it!

Last Sunday, I completed the Woodrow Wilson Half Marathon.  After training for three months, it was such a relief and accomplishment to cross that finish line.  It was a long morning, but completely worth it!

4:30 am: Woke up, took a shower, and ate a piece of peanut butter and banana toast.

5:15 am: Drove to the finish line, parked my car, and hopped on the shuttle to the start line.

5:45 am: Arrived at the start line. Froze outside and contemplated how I was going to spend the next 2 hours before the race started.

6:30 am: Plugged in ipod and started to get 'in the zone'

7:28 am: Still waiting in line to use the port-o-potty...

7:30 am: Quickly make my way to the 8-9 minute mile section.

7:35 am: RACE STARTS!

A ripple of energy and excitement filled the air as over 2,000 of us waited for the gun at the start line.  We began at Mt. Vernon (home of George Washington) and followed the George Washington Memorial Parkway.  I tried to keep a fairly even pace for the first few miles, but I was all over the place. I trained solo, so I was really distracted by everyone else on the course.


Due to the course's design, it was impossible for spectators to watch until about mile 6.  I was so used to running through the National Mall that I actually got a little bored.  Luckily, pedestrian traffic picked up around mile 7 and by that time, I was warmed up (it was 47 degrees in the AM) and keeping a fairly steady pace.  I also knew that I would get to see my friends around mile 10 or 11.

As I made my way to mile 8, I felt pretty good.  I just kept telling myself that if I could make it to mile 10, I could definitely finish.  Around mile 9 and 10, we crossed the Woodrow Wilson Bridge.  As I looked to my left, I saw a birds-eye view of Washington DC.  Although incredibly windy on top of the bridge, I picked a man and tried to keep pace with him until we successfully crossed the Potomac.

Running to National Harbor at mile 11, I saw my roommate and boyfriend waiting for me.  I had anticipated this moment since the start of the race and I was so happy to see them!  However, after I passed them my energy level dropped and I started to feel tired.  I felt a little defeated as I climbed the two largest hills on the course.  This was the most mentally challenging part of the race--but as Eminem's song "Lose Yourself" came on I reminded myself that after all the work I put in, I had to push myself to finish the last two miles.

The wind blew the 12-mile-marker over, but as soon as I passed it I kicked up my pace.  With only a mile left and a jolt of energy, I ran at a 7:45 min mile pace.  People lined up to cheer us on during the last stretch.  The only thing going through my head was, "I just want to be done. I JUST WANT TO BE DONE!"

I crossed the finish line at 1:53:05 and averaged a little over 8:30 miles.  I met my goal!

We went out to a wonderful brunch at Brasserie Beck where I ate the 1500 calories that I burned off that morning.  I couldn't imagine a morning spent in better company or with two better cheerleaders!  Thank you all for your support--I really, really appreciate it :)


  1. Congratulations!!! :-)
    Are you planning another marathon soon or in the spring?

  2. Thank you!!

    I am running a few shorter races this winter and another half-marathon on March 17, 2012.  Who knows--I might run a full marathon in Fall 2012 if I'm feeling extra motivated :)

  3. Amazing! But why did you had to be there so early? It's nice to read about the things going on in your mind during the race.

  4. They needed to transport a lot of people to the start and I was in one of the first groups...they wanted everyone to arrive by 6am.  It was annoying but there wasn't really another option because they had to close down a lot of roads for the race. Oh well!

  5. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on such a great race!

  6. woohoo!  congrats, Lauren, what a feat!

  7. Lauren, your determination and will to succeed never cease to amaze me!!!! Congratulations on all of your successes!!!!! You're the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Ohhhhh, Andy. You're such an awesome friend.  Thank you for always being so supportive. :-P

  9. Okay, quite understandable. Must be a lot of organizational work with so many people doing the run. :)

  10. [...] **Running my first half-marathon** [...]


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