Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Blood Type Diet

A year ago, I became a vegetarian.  It was a choice I never expected to make because I always thought to myself, "I could never stop eating meat." 

And then I met my roommate.

And did some research.

And read a few books and saw a lot of movies.

And decided to do a monthly trial....that later turned into a permanent lifestyle change.

Since then, I've tried to tweak my diet to find one I am most happy with.  Recently, I was intrigued by The Blood Type Diet.  Dr. D'Adamo wrote a book, Eat Right 4 Your Type, which I'm anxious to get my hands on.  

The idea behind The Blood Type Diet is that you eat a certain diet depending on your blood type.  According to his website,
"[It] appears to be the odds that your health will improve by following the right diet for your blood type.... The facts are clear cut: 
In the 6617 individuals who reported their results from following the Blood Type Diet for a period of one month or more, three out of four (71-78%) had significant improvement in a variety of health conditions. 
Weight loss was the effect most often observed but a number of reports detailed improvements in digestive function, resistance to stress, overall energy and mental clarity."
Type AB 

Although there are resources for every type, (read more about Type AType BType O) I am going to highlight a few aspects that are specific to my diet (taken from Dr. D'Adamo's website.) 

  • Type AB is rare.  Found in less than 5% of the population
  • Newest of blood types
  • Type AB acts as a chameleon--sometimes A-like, sometimes B-like, sometimes a fusion of both
  • Low level of stomach acid in Type AB individuals

Eating for Type AB
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol
  • Focus on tofu, dairy, green veggies and seafood if trying to loose weight
  • Avoid all cured and smoked meats
  • Smaller, more frequent meals to counteract low levels of stomach acid

Stress and Exercise
  • Overproduce adrenaline
  • Consequences of high emotions
  • Recommends a combination of calming and high intensity exercise


  • Passionate about their beliefs, but also want to be liked by others
  • Emotional, friendly, trusting, passionate and empathetic
  • Avoid situations that are highly competitive
  • Avoid fixating on issues you cannot change
  • Make clear weekly, monthly and yearly goals to avoid rushing
  • Carve out alone time

My Thoughts

For the most part, I have to agree with a lot of the 'characteristics' that are associated with Type AB individuals.  One aspect that I found most interesting is that Type AB individuals tends to have high emotions.  Throughout my life, I've really struggled with being on a constant 'emotional roller coaster.'  I can literally go from slap-happy to angry in seconds.  Mix that with my extremely energetic personality (which I'm assuming is the overproduction of adrenaline!) and there are days when I'm just batty.

I also agree with the 'smaller, more frequent' meals idea.  I've always had stomach issues (hence, one of the reasons I stopped eating meat) so I'm going to try changing my diet to incorporate a few of Dr. D' Adamo's suggestions.

I'm planning on buying the book, Eat Right 4 Your Type, and following the diet for another month-long trial.  Will keep you posted on the results!

And now my question for you is this:  have you heard of the blood type diet?  Have you tried it yourself?  Do you believe in it's accuracy?

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