Monday, March 5, 2012

Marathon Monday: Week 9

Happy Monday!

Training recap:

This week started off well (given the high I was on from my 17-miler) last weekend.  However, as the week progressed, so did the pain in my left calf.

My calf pain seems to be a reoccurring problem and one that I've ignored. Although it's not a serious pain, it is lagging (only after workouts.)  I will occasionally get a sharp pain when standing after I've been sitting for a prolonged period of time.  To avoid injuring myself to the point where I cannot run this race, I decided to skip my long run this week (much to my chagrin.)
CEP Compression Sleeves under my normal clothes!

This is the first long run I've missed and it's making me anxious.  I know every body is different, but it's especially difficult when I'm comparing myself to other marathon trainees who ran 2X what I did this week.  But, I'm listening to my body and it's saying: REST.

I went to Pacer's this morning to pick up a few things to hopefully help with the pain.  I purchased The Stick to help knead out the huge knot in my calf and a pair of hot pink--couldn't help myself--CEP compression sleeves (5 stars on Amazon!)

Based on my description of the pain, the woman working suggested that I try using these two purchases for the next 2-3 weeks. If the pain still persists, it's time to see a specialist.

Lessons Learned
  1. I cannot run two days in a row.  My legs need, at a minimum, a day to recover.  Whether this means an active rest day or cross-training, I need to be very careful with planning my schedule in the upcoming weeks.  Sadly, my little legs aren't as strong as I was hoping they would be :(
  2. Stretching before and after my run is incredibly important.
  3. Proper nutrition after I run is just as important as a hearty pre-run meal.
Workouts This Week

Monday: Rest day

Tuesday: Active rest day.  I did a 75-minute Dharma Flow 1 yoga class at Yoga District (literally two blocks away from my house!)  It was tailored to new yogis (like me!)  I got a great workout and my instructor was fabulous at helping me calm my mind and body.

Wednesday: I fought the rain and ran 7ish (10 min/mile pace) miles up to the Lincoln Memory and back to my place.  It was the only time I've ever seen the National Mall completely empty.  What a wonderful feeling! (until I stepped into a huge puddle and my shoe went *squiiishhhh* every time I stepped.)

Thursday:  It was a late day at the office and I didn't feel like doing a PM run alone.  Went to the gym instead and did a fairly easy 5-miler (9:35 min/mile pace).  My legs weren't feeling super strong, but I got through the workout.

Friday:  The weather was beautiful in the morning so I went for a short run during lunch.  I ran with my ipod for the first time in a loooooooooong time.  I went 4.03 miles (8:45 min/mile pace) which was actually a lot faster than I was anticipating thanks to my tunes!

Saturday: Dual workout!  I went to a 60-minute Yoga 1 & 2 class in the morning.  Unfortunately, the teacher was a pretentious [insert naughty work] so I will not be going back to her class [*note, this was at my gym.]  Directly after, I  did a 60-minute Body Pump class with a teacher who totally made up for my frustrating yoga class.  Glutes are still sore from all those squats!

Sunday: Extra rest day full of compression-sleeve-wearing, icing, heating, massaging, rolling and resting my calf.

I ♥ Lululemon

Ummmm can we please just talk about my new obsession with Lululemon?

My boyfriend's sister was in town and she wanted to check out the store.  I decided to tag along because I've heard great things.  

I literally had to yank myself out of the store and remind myself that a $108 jacket is not in my budget for this month.  I had anxiety over leaving it there...and sadly, I can't find it online.  

It looked similar to <---------- this one except it was white with navy stripes. ADORABLE.

If I end up getting a bonus this month, guess what my first purchase will be?

Hope y'all had a fantastic weekend!

Wild Rice

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