Friday, March 2, 2012

Changing my marathon mentality

A few weeks ago, after my very difficult 15-miler, I met up with my friend Jordan.  Jordan ran competitively in college and is my go-to runner friend.

After spilling my guts that I was dreading excited to run this marathon, she said something along these lines:

"Get excited!  Don't look at race day as if it's going to be the most difficult workout of your life; look at it as a way of celebrating all the work you've put in.  Training is the grueling part--the marathon is your time show it all off."

Jordan, I love you!  I know it seems obvious, but her words of wisdom totally changed my mentality--for the better!

I was so anxious to run those 26.2 miles.  I kept thinking to myself during that dreaded 15-miler...if I can barely keep going now, how the heck am I going to run over 10 more miles come race day?*

Now, whenever I get nervous or start to doubt my ability to run this marathon, I think back to that conversation with Jordan and remind myself that all this training is leading up to one, very loooooong celebration.

Happy weekend-ing!
Wild Rice

*note, I've run a 17-miler since this experience and it went fantastically well.  Everyone has their off days!


  1. OMG - I love that shirt and I haven't even run a marathon before (nor am I training for one). It's still that awesome and can apply for so many races.

    Jordan's advice is fantastic. I hope I remember it should I ever decide to go for 26.2.

    Keep on kicking butt with your training! You're going to do great.

    1. I know, I found it cute :)

      Thanks for the encouragement! Consider signing up for a marathon... :)


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